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Stay safe on a Night Out

Written by Adrian Worthington, published 08-14-19 stay safe on a night out

When it comes to enjoying a night out, safety should be a top priority for women. While having fun and letting loose is important, it’s equally crucial to take necessary precautions to protect yourself and ensure a safe experience. In this article, we will discuss valuable tips and strategies to help women stay safe on a night out. From pre-planning your night to being aware of your surroundings, we’ve got you covered.


  1. Plan Your Night Out
  2. Carry a Personal Alarm and a Charged Mobile Phone
  3. Be Cautious of Accepting Drinks from Unknown Individuals
  4. Keep Your Drink with You at All Times
  5. Watch Out for Your Friends’ Safety
  6. Avoid Walking Alone After Dark
  7. Stick to Well-Lit Main Streets and Avoid Shortcuts
  8. Never Accept Lifts from Strangers or Unregistered Taxis
  9. Drink Responsibly and Be Mindful of Your Limits
  10. Plan Your Safe Journey Home in Advance
  11. Stick Together and Look Out for Each Other
  12. Arrange a Safe Meeting Place in Case of Separation
  13. Have Some Emergency Cash Stashed
  14. Know Your Limits and Stay in Control
  15. Store an ICE (In Case of Emergency) Number in Your Phone
  16. Conclusion
  17. FAQs

A night out should be an exciting and enjoyable experience for women, but it’s essential to prioritise personal safety. By following a few simple guidelines and adopting some smart habits, you can significantly enhance your safety and peace of mind. Let’s explore some effective strategies for staying safe on a night out.

1. Plan Your Night Out

Before embarking on your night out, it’s crucial to plan ahead. Inform a trusted friend or family member about your intended destinations and the estimated time of your return. Sharing this information will ensure someone knows where you are and when to expect you back home.

2. Carry a Personal Alarm and a Charged Mobile Phone

Equip yourself with a personal alarm, a small and convenient device that can emit a loud sound when activated. This alarm can attract attention and deter potential threats. Additionally, ensure your mobile phone is fully charged before you head out. Having a reliable means of communication is essential in case of emergencies. Unsure of what is the best alarm for you read our complete personal alarms guideĀ 

3. Be Cautious of Accepting Drinks from Unknown Individuals

Never accept drinks from someone you don’t know or don’t trust. It’s important to exercise caution, as some individuals may attempt to drug unsuspecting victims. To stay safe, always procure your drinks from trusted sources, such as bartenders or trusted friends.

4. Keep Your Drink with You at All Times

Maintain control over your drink throughout the night. If your drink appears suspicious or tastes strange, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Discard the drink immediately, as it only takes a moment for someone to tamper with it. Always prioritise your safety and well-being.

5. Watch Out for Your Friends’ Safety

While enjoying a night out, it’s crucial to watch out for your friends and ensure their safety. Establish a system where you all actively look out for one another. By staying together and being vigilant, you can create a safer environment for everyone involved.

6. Avoid Walking Alone After Dark

Walking alone after dark can be risky. To minimise potential dangers, plan your transportation in advance. Utilise trusted taxi services or public transportation options, and try to avoid walking alone whenever possible. If you must walk, plan your route ahead of time and choose well-lit main streets with plenty of foot traffic.

7. Stick to Well-Lit Main Streets and Avoid Shortcuts

When navigating the city at night, it’s important to stick to well-lit main streets. Avoid taking shortcuts through dimly lit areas or secluded alleyways, as they can pose potential risks. By staying in well-populated areas, you decrease the likelihood of encountering unsafe situations.

8. Never Accept Lifts from Strangers or Unregistered Taxis

For your own safety, it’s crucial to never accept lifts from strangers or unregistered taxis. Stick to licensed and reputable transportation services that you trust. If you find yourself in need of a ride, rely on prearranged transportation options or use reliable ride-hailing applications. Read our top 10 tips to staying safe on public transport. 

9. Drink Responsibly and Be Mindful of Your Limits

Binge drinking can impair judgment and make you more vulnerable in unfamiliar surroundings. It’s important to drink responsibly and be mindful of your alcohol consumption. Know your limits and pace yourself throughout the night to maintain control over your actions and decisions.

10. Plan Your Safe Journey Home in Advance

Before heading out for the night, take the time to plan your safe journey home. Research available transportation options, such as bus routes, train schedules, or designated driver services. By having a predetermined plan, you can avoid making impulsive choices that may compromise your safety.

11. Stick Together and Look Out for Each Other

One of the best ways to stay safe on a night out is by sticking together with your friends. Make a pact to look out for one another and ensure that everyone gets home safely. Avoid separating from the group, especially in unfamiliar or crowded environments.

12. Arrange a Safe Meeting Place in Case of Separation

In the event that you and your friends get separated during the night, it’s essential to have a designated safe meeting place. Choose a well-known landmark or a prominent location where you can regroup and ensure everyone’s well-being.

13. Have Some Emergency Cash Stashed

Losing your purse or wallet can be a stressful situation, especially during a night out. To prepare for such circumstances, it’s wise to stash some emergency cash in a hidden pocket or a separate compartment. This way, you’ll have a backup plan if you find yourself without access to your primary means of payment.

14. Know Your Limits and Stay in Control

While it’s important to have fun and enjoy yourself, it’s equally crucial to know your limits and stay in control. Avoid engaging in activities that may put you at risk or compromise your well-being. Trust your instincts and make choices that prioritise your safety above all else.

15. Store an ICE (In Case of Emergency) Number in Your Phone

To be prepared for any unforeseen emergencies, store an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number in your phone. This number should belong to a trusted contact who can be reached in case of urgent situations. Having this information readily available can expedite assistance if needed.

By following these essential safety tips, women can enjoy a night out while prioritising their well-being. Planning ahead, being aware of surroundings, and maintaining caution can significantly reduce potential risks. Remember, it’s better to take proactive measures to stay safe than to encounter avoidable dangers.

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