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Feel safe with simple self defence moves

Written by Adrian Worthington, published 02-21-23 Self defence

Every woman has the right to feel safe and secure when they are outside. It’s an essential aspect of well-being, yet unfortunately, there may be situations where this isn’t the case and self-defence is necessary. So, it is wise to be prepared and knowing some simple self-defence moves could help protect you in case of an emergency. Here we discuss some basic self-defence moves every woman should ideally know.

Before we go into the details there are some general things you can do to minimise the need for self defence. However, here are a few tips on self-defence moves that could be useful in a variety of situations.

Tip #1: Be aware of your surroundings

As previously mentioned, being aware of your surroundings is an essential part of self-defence. Knowing what’s going on around you can help you avoid dangerous situations and give you the time and space you need to defend yourself if necessary.

Tip #2: Carry one of our alarms

Using a Walk Easy personal alarm can be an effective way to deter an attacker and alert others to your situation. It can also be a powerful psychological tool, helping you feel more confident and in control.

Tip #3: Escape and run

In any situation, the best course of action may be to escape and run to safety. If possible, try to create distance between yourself and the attacker, and run to a public place where you can get help. Remember that your goal is to get away safely, not to engage in a physical confrontation.

If you are in a situation that looks like its escalating, and you feel an attack is inevitable then its important to remember how to defend your self if it does becomes physical.

Tip #4: Strike vulnerable areas

If you need to physically defend yourself, it’s important to know where to strike. In general, aim for areas that are sensitive or vulnerable, such as the eyes, nose, throat, or groin. Striking these areas can help you get away from an attacker and give you the opportunity to escape.

Tip #5: Use joint locks and pressure points

If an attacker gets too close, you can use joint locks and pressure points to neutralise their attack. For example, you could grab an attacker’s wrist and twist it, which could cause pain and make them release their grip. Alternatively, you could apply pressure to certain points on an attacker’s body, such as the collarbone, which could cause pain and weaken their hold.

Tip #6: Target the knee or shin

If you are unable to run away or escape from an attacker, you could target their knee or shin with a kick. Kicking the knee or shin can be a powerful self-defence move that could cause the attacker to lose their balance or fall to the ground. This can give you the opportunity to escape or seek help.

Although these tips do not provide a complete self-defence training, they offer insight into some basic self-defence manoeuvres that every woman should learn.

Palm Strike

One of the most effective self-defence moves is the palm strike. To perform a palm strike, use the heel of your palm to strike the attacker’s nose or chin. This move can cause pain and disorient the attacker, giving you the chance to escape.

Knee Strike

The knee strike is another powerful move that can be used to protect yourself. To perform a knee strike, lift your knee and strike the attacker’s groin or stomach. This move can be particularly effective if the attacker is taller than you.

Elbow Strike

The elbow strike is a quick and effective move that can be used in close quarters. To perform an elbow strike, bring your elbow up and strike the attacker’s face or collarbone. This move can cause serious pain and disorient the attacker, giving you the chance to escape.

Eye Gouge

The eye gouge is a move that should only be used in extreme situations. To perform an eye gouge, use your fingers to target the attacker’s eyes. This move can cause extreme pain and temporary blindness, giving you the chance to escape.

Groin Kick

The groin kick is a powerful move that can be used to neutralise an attacker quickly. To perform a groin kick, lift your leg and strike the attacker’s groin with your foot. This move can cause extreme pain and make the attacker lose their balance, giving you the chance to escape.

It’s important to remember that every situation is different, and the best course of action will depend on the circumstances. However, these simple self-defence moves can be effective in a variety of situations and could help you protect yourself if needed.

There are various places you can go to get self-defence lessons or courses. One of the most common options is to look for martial arts schools that offer specific classes for self-defense. Some examples of martial arts that can be particularly useful for self-defence include Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwondo. Many community centres, gyms, and fitness studios also offer self-defence classes that focus on teaching practical techniques for real-life situations. Additionally, there are online courses and instructional videos available that can be helpful in learning basic self-defence skills – this is a great link that contains descriptions and videos of basic self defence moves – It’s important to do some research and find a course that suits your needs and preferences, and that is taught by experienced and qualified instructors.

Remember, you have the right to feel safe, and don’t be afraid to take charge of your personal safety. By knowing these simple self-defence moves and taking other steps to protect yourself, you can feel more confident and prepared in any situation and we hope these tips can help you feel more secure and confident when out and about.

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