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Crime Maps – How to Find Information about Crime and Sexual Assault in Your Area

Written by Adrian Worthington, published 07-13-23 Crime Map UK

Prioritising your safety is essential in every aspect of life. Whether you are at home, going out for the evening, commuting to work, or simply taking a walk, being informed about the crime landscape in your area can help you make informed decisions and take appropriate precautions. At WeAlarms, we are committed to providing you with valuable resources to stay safe. In this article, we will guide you on how to find information about crime and sexual assault in your area, enabling you to stay vigilant and protect yourself.

The Power of Awareness

Being aware of the crimes occurring in your area, especially regarding sexual harassment and assault, can help you make informed choices and remain alert to potential risks. By accessing information about crimes in your neighbourhood, you gain valuable insights that allow you to adjust your plans and take necessary precautions to help prevent harassment or sexual assault.

Utilising Crime Maps

Crime maps are an effective tool for gathering information about crimes in your area. These interactive platforms provide detailed data and visuals, enabling you to analyse crime trends specific to your neighbourhood. By exploring crime maps, you can focus on incidents related to sexual harassment and assault, helping you identify areas or times with higher prevalence.

Finding Relevant Crime Map Sources

To access crime maps, consider the following sources:

The Police.uk Crime Map website

The Police.uk Crime Map website offers a wealth of information to help you understand and navigate crime in your area. The crime map section is split into four subpages, providing valuable insights into reported crimes and allowing you to explore crime trends visually.

Overview of Top Reported Crimes: On the website, you’ll find an overview section that highlights the most commonly reported crimes. These crimes are categorised to provide a breakdown of specific offence types. To enhance understanding, visual aids such as graphs displaying the number of crimes per month throughout the year are included.

Interactive Crime Map: The heart of the website is the interactive crime map. By entering your postcode, you gain access to an interactive map integrated with Google Maps. The map utilises data from local police forces to display crime locations. Hotspots indicate areas with a higher concentration of crimes, offering insights into crime patterns. You can also utilise filters to focus on specific types of crimes and narrow down the timeframe to view crime occurrences.

Stop and Search Details: The website provides details on the numbers of stop and search incidents in your area. This information sheds light on offences like controlled drugs, offensive weapons, or articles used in thefts. Understanding the prevalence of these incidents can give you a better idea of the offences happening in your vicinity.

Crime Statistics per Area: The final section of the crime map page presents comprehensive crime statistics specific to your area. Graphs display crime trends over the past year or three years, allowing you to observe changes and patterns in crime rates. Additionally, there is a graph illustrating crime types listed for the current year, previous year, and the last three years. This enables you to gain a deeper understanding of the prevalent crime types in your area. Moreover, an intriguing graph showcases crimes by outcomes during the same time periods, providing insights into the resolutions and consequences of reported crimes.

Staying Informed and Taking Precautions

Armed with information about crime and sexual assault in your area, you can take proactive measures to prioritise your safety:

Choosing Safer Routes: Plan your travel routes based on areas with lower reported incidents of sexual harassment or assault.

Enhancing Security Measures: Install home security systems, use well-lit and populated public spaces, and inform trusted individuals about your whereabouts.

Report places you felt unsafe: If you have encountered areas that made you feel unsafe, take action today by using Street Safe. Drop a pin onto the map, and described the concerns you observed and help others to stay safe.

Carry a Rape Alarm: Purchasing a rape alarm could be the best investment you ever make – Don’t wait another moment to prioritise your well-being and protect yourself today.

Community Engagement: Connect with local community organisations, neighbourhood watch programmes, or self-defence classes to foster a sense of safety and support.

The Role of WalkEasy Alarms

At WalkEasy Alarms, we are committed to providing effective tools that enhance your personal safety. We offer a wide selection of top quality, affordable canister and electronic rape alarms with a variety of features designed not only to deter attackers but even help identify them! By combining knowledge and preparedness, you can take control of your safety.

Remember, staying informed about crime and sexual assault in your area is crucial for your well-being. By being aware of your surroundings and taking necessary precautions, you can navigate your environment with confidence and peace of mind.

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