The Walk Easy Personal Attack Alarm
Police and security advisers recommend the use of a personal attack alarm to minimise the threat of attacks, assault, mugging, animal attacks, dog thefts and even obscene phone calls. Protect yourself with this powerful personal alarm which produces a 138+ decibel sound output on activation that can scare off an attacker.
Feel safe and secure when walking alone at night knowing you have a powerful tool to protect yourself in any situation. Be safe and be confident with your Walk Easy Personal Alarm.
To activate an ear-piercing sound to disorientate and deter an attacker ‘lightly‘ press down on the cap for a short blast or press down ‘firmly‘ to lock the cap down to produce a continuous sound output,. It operates at any angle, even upside down and has a lock-down facility allowing continuous sound output even if it is dropped to the ground. Contains no hazardous ingredients, non toxic and non flammable. Order Direct from UK manufacturer!
Speaking of personal safety, you might be interested in learning more about the importance of self-defence strategies by checking out this informative article on self-defence. Additionally, if you’re curious about the legal aspects surrounding personal attack alarms, you can read about it in this detailed entry on personal alarms. Lastly, for insights into effective methods of crime prevention, consider exploring this resource on crime prevention. All these topics can significantly enhance your understanding of personal security measures.
This arrived yesterday and it is certainly loud. Easy to use and fits nicely in my handbag without adding weight.I recommend this as a handy source of protection.